Fees: January - August 2025

Red House School fees remain lower than any other independent school in the area for children aged 3-16.

Importantly, unlike other schools, our fees are inclusive and include tuition, stationery, books, writing materials and personal accident insurance.

We believe it is important to be upfront regarding any additional costs that may be incurred, therefore we have clearly listed them below for you.

Registration Fee£60 payable on first application
The fee is non-refundable
Acceptance Deposit£250 payable by the parents of each pupil on acceptance of a place
The School's Terms and Conditions provides information on how and when the Acceptance Deposit may be refunded
Year GroupsFees Per Term
Years 1-2£3,811.20
Years 3-6£4,750.80
Years 7-11£5,443.20

There are three terms in a year.

*Nursery and reception (under 5 years) fees are shown net of the Early Years 15 hours Funding Grant. The grant is claimed by the school on behalf of the parents and is available from the term following the child’s 3rd birthday (for a total of 6 terms) until they reach their 5th birthday. Please note: the level of funding paid by Stockton Borough Council may vary.

Extra Compulsory Charges+


ItemFeeFurther Details
Lunches£275 per termCharged in advance on the termly fee invoice

(Please note the Junior School lunches include the provision of milk and a morning and afternoon snack for EYFS children)
PTA Subscription£12 per family per termCharged termly
School Magazine£18 per family per yearCharged annually on the Spring Term invoice
Year 11 'Education for Leisure'£96 Autumn and Spring TermsCharged on the Autumn and Spring Term invoice.
Year 11 GCSE Examination FeesThe public examination fees are set by the Examination Board
Extra Optional Charges+

Wrap Around Care

Year GroupsTime
Junior School Breakfast Club (Nursery - Year 5)
7.30-8.45am£3.50 per session including breakfast
Junior School After School Care
(Nursery - Year 5)
£4 per session
5.15-6pm£4 per session
Senior School Breakfast Club
(Years 6-11)
7.30-8.30amBreakfast items are available for pupils to purchase
Senior School Tea & Prep
(Years 6-11)
4-5.15pm£4 per session
5.15-6pm£4 per session

Our Wrap Around Care is very flexible and can be booked on an ad hoc basis to suit parents needs.

Breakfast Club, After School Care and Tea and Prep are charged in arrears.

Holiday Club

Year GroupsTimeFee
Holiday Club (Nursery-Year 11)8am-5.30pm£32 per session,
£145 per week

Our action-packed Holiday Club enables Red House to be open 50 weeks of the year.

The club offers a diverse range of activities from art and crafts, baking, outdoor games, gardening and role play as well as organised trips.

This facility is only available to children who attend Red House and is organised by our experienced staff.

Music Tuition

Private Music Tuition£16

Visiting instrumental teachers provide tuition on orchestral and contemporary instruments.


The School reserves the right to add to the fee bill small and/or unexpected charges incurred by your child. These are unusual and are unlikely to exceed £20 in total per bill without prior reference to you.

“We are constantly reminded each day how sending our daughter to Red House was the best decision we could have made, both academically and personally.

From the small class sizes which create a supportive and engaging learning environment, to the attentive and dedicated team of teachers and staff who have helped her thrive on her learning journey, we couldn’t be happier with our choice of school."

Sarah, Year 10 Parent

Visit Us

Visit Us - School
Visit Us - School
Visit Us - School

Twilight Tours: Thursday 15 May

Our Twilight Tours are a great way to discover what's so special about Red House and all we have to offer. You will be able to tour our fantastic facilities and meet our dedicated teachers.

+ Nursery & Junior School 4-6pm
+ Senior School 4.30-6.30pm

View Event

Early Years Stay & Play: Tuesday 6 May, 2-3pm

Come and explore our friendly & happy Nursery, where you and your child can enjoy a fun-filled afternoon inspired by the magical world of Zog by Julia Donaldson. There will be plenty of interactive activities, including arts & crafts, storytelling, and a dragon hunt!

View Event

Entry for Year 7 in 2025/2026

Registrations are being taken for children in Year 6 wishing to join Year 7 in 2025 and also for children in Year 5 wishing to join Year 7 in 2026.

View Event